Leif Ohman


About me

I was born in Sweden and grew up there, but moved to the U.S. some 40 years ago.

In Sweden, I started as a life insurance actuary and served as a technical expert during negotiations for flexible retirement age. I then moved into government work and became head of the local branch of a government agency. This involved applying a new freedom of information act.

In the U.S., I started by passing the CPA-exam, then completed the first year of the JD program at an ABA-approved law school before finally settling into computer programming in the insurance and financial industry.

Then in 2010 I was hired as an in-house translator for a social media company.
Three years later the company outsourced the entire office overseas.

I now work as a freelance translator.

Lifelong student of foreign languages

French at Alliance Française, Mandarin at UC Berkeley, Japanese at Soko Gakuen, Greek at Uppsala University, Spanish at Vuxengymnasiet, German and Russian in high school.

Last updated: January 17, 2023.

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